This NCWU Campus Directory is provided as a tool for those who have a specific interest in reaching individual employees of NC Wesleyan University.
To update your information, contact Human Resources or email for further assistance.
Name | Department | Contact |
Aaron Allen, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Mathematics | | SEND EMAIL |
Aaron Denton | Vice President of Athletics | | SEND EMAIL |
Adam Conte | Graduate Assistant - Athletics | | SEND EMAIL |
Aeon Blake | Assistant Football Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Alana Sykes | Enrollment System Manager – APS | | SEND EMAIL |
Albie Brice | Head Tennis Coach & Special Gifts Coordinator | | SEND EMAIL |
Allen Kuiper | Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach / Assistant Director of Taylor Center & Intramurals | | SEND EMAIL |
Allen Meszaros | Network Administrator | | SEND EMAIL |
Allison Moss | Director of Student Accounts | | SEND EMAIL |
Ami Thompson, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Biology | | SEND EMAIL |
Amy Faircloth | Senior Student Accounts Representative | | SEND EMAIL |
Amy Karnehm Willis, Ph.D. | Professor of Sociology/Program Coordinator, Sociology | | SEND EMAIL |
Amya Dickens | Technical Assistant | | SEND EMAIL |
Andrew Stern, Ph.D. | Professor of Religious Studies/Program Coordinator, Religious Studies/Study Abroad Coordinator | | SEND EMAIL |
Angie Lassiter | Financial Aid Specialist - PT | | SEND EMAIL |
Ann Hedgepeth | Housekeeper | | SEND EMAIL |
Ann Watson | Asst. to the Registrar | | SEND EMAIL |
Anthony Boykin | Director of Information Security | | SEND EMAIL |
Anthony Robinson | Graduate Assistant – Information Systems | | SEND EMAIL |
Artina Trader | Head Women's Basketball Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Ashley Anderson | Coordinator of Enrollment Management | | SEND EMAIL |
Ayra Sundbom, Ed.D. | Visiting Assistant Professor of Education and Director of Instructional Technology | | SEND EMAIL |
Benjamin “Ben” Hiskes | Assistant Professor of Psychology | | SEND EMAIL |
Bernard “Bayden” Collins, II | Sports Information Director | | SEND EMAIL |
Beverly Biancur | Women's Soccer Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Bianca Pacini-Perez | International Graduate Advisor & DSO | | SEND EMAIL |
Bill Dunn | Head Cross Country/Track & Field Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Bill Grattan, Ph.D. | Professor of English | | SEND EMAIL |
Bill Yankosky, Ph.D. | Professor of Mathematics/Director of the Taylor-Crocker Honor's Program/Program Coordinator, Mathematics | | SEND EMAIL |
Brent Dozier, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Mathematics | | SEND EMAIL |
Candy Cashwell | Registrar | | SEND EMAIL |
Carl Lewis, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice | | SEND EMAIL |
Carol Carson | Assistant Athletic Director for Student Welfare | | SEND EMAIL |
Chad Ross, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of History/Chair, School of Education and Social Science/Program Coordinator of Liberal Studies | | SEND EMAIL |
Chandler Brice | Admissions Counselor | | SEND EMAIL |
Chantoni Grant | Director Bishop Gaming Association | | SEND EMAIL |
Charles Battle | Housekeeper | | SEND EMAIL |
Chelsea Nixon | Admissions Office Liaison | | SEND EMAIL |
Chelsea Thompson | Reference Librarian – PT | | SEND EMAIL |
Chip Larkin, M.L.S/M.F.A. | Instruction and Assessment Librarian | | SEND EMAIL |
Chris Lusby, J.D. | Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice | | SEND EMAIL |
Christa Jones-Hooker, Ph.D., RN, NE-BC, CNE | Assistant Professor of Nursing | | SEND EMAIL |
Christine Clift | Admissions and Advising Coordinator | | SEND EMAIL |
Cindy Edwards | Chief Engagement Officer | | SEND EMAIL |
Clay Garrison | Systems Technician | | SEND EMAIL |
Consuela Blaizes, DNP, MSN-Ed, RN | Assistant Professor of Nursing | | SEND EMAIL |
Cooper Hall | Asst. Men's Soccer Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Cornelius Snow IV | Assistant Men's Basketball Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Courtney Moss | Box Office Manager | | SEND EMAIL |
Crystal Ostheim, D.N.P., BS, FNP-BC, NP-C, CNE | Director of Nursing Programs and Initiatives/Assistant Professor of Nursing | | SEND EMAIL |
Daniel Elias, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Environmental Science/Program Coordinator, Environmental Science | | SEND EMAIL |
Danielle Braxton, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Health Promotion | | SEND EMAIL |
Darleen Lamm | Teacher Education Administrative Assistant - PT | | SEND EMAIL |
Darnell Lawrence | Groundskeeper | | SEND EMAIL |
Darrell Whitley | Director of Human Resources | | SEND EMAIL |
David Fryar | Director of Facilities | | SEND EMAIL |
Dawn Turner | Director of International Student Services, PDSO & Senior International Advisor | | SEND EMAIL |
DeNasia Pitchford | Head Dance Coach - PT | | SEND EMAIL |
Denikee Davis | Administrative Assistant - Student Life | | SEND EMAIL |
Denise Beamer | Director of Alumni Relations and Annual Fund | | SEND EMAIL |
DeOnna Wilson | Accounts Payable Specialists | | SEND EMAIL |
Derrick Carter | Assistant Baseball Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Devon R. Brooks | Assistant Football Coach Intern | | SEND EMAIL |
Dimitri Blondel, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Biology | | SEND EMAIL |
Donna Wheeler | Project Manager and Special Assistant | | SEND EMAIL |
Doreen Thierauf, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of English | | SEND EMAIL |
Doretha Chichester | Admissions Representative & Recruiter | | SEND EMAIL |
Dr. Oscar Rodriguez | Dean of Traditional Enrollment | | SEND EMAIL |
Edwin Ferguson | Chaplain | | SEND EMAIL |
Elic Gurganus | Technical Director | | SEND EMAIL |
Elliot Williams | Housekeeper | | SEND EMAIL |
Elliott Smith | Director of Student Activities | (252) 454-1682 | SEND EMAIL |
Emily Weber, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Biology/Program Coordinator, Biomedical Science | | SEND EMAIL |
Emma Stanton | Assistant Athletic Trainer | | SEND EMAIL |
Erma Hedgepeth | Academic Advisor | | SEND EMAIL |
Evan Duff, Ed.D. | President of the University | | SEND EMAIL |
Fabiola Kinney | Director of APS Advising and Student Services | | SEND EMAIL |
Fred Sanborn, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology/Assistant Director of the Taylor-Crockers Honor's Program/Program Coordinator, Psychology | | SEND EMAIL |
Gail Marsal, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Criminal Justice/Program Coordinator, Criminal Justice | | SEND EMAIL |
Gena Messer-Knode, Ph.D. | Visiting Assistant Professor of Business | | SEND EMAIL |
Grace Wallace | Technical Services Associate | | SEND EMAIL |
Greg Clifton | Head Baseball Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Greg Preuss, Ph.D. | Professor of Psychology | | SEND EMAIL |
Gregory Boykin | Director of Information Systems | | SEND EMAIL |
Heather Louch, Ph.D. | Professor of Biology/Program Coordinator, Biology | | SEND EMAIL |
Hunter Pulliam | Admissons Counselor | | SEND EMAIL |
Isaiah Jones | Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach & Assistant Director, Taylor Center/Intramurals | | SEND EMAIL |
Jackie Johnson | Housekeeper | | SEND EMAIL |
Jackie Lewis, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems/Program Coordinator, Computer Information Systems | | SEND EMAIL |
James Mercer | Director of Military Studies | | SEND EMAIL |
James Parker | Adjunct Instructor of Music Production | | SEND EMAIL |
Jamie Hathaway Pollard, M.Ed. | Visiting Instructor of English | | SEND EMAIL |
Jan Volz | Art Curator | | SEND EMAIL |
Jarrod Kelly, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Political Science/Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness and Accreditation | | SEND EMAIL |
Jason Boone | Circulation Supervisor | | SEND EMAIL |
Jason Buel, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Communications/Assistant Professor of Cinema & Media Arts, Program Coordinator, Communication | | SEND EMAIL |
Jason Letchworth | Admissions Processing Coordinator | | SEND EMAIL |
Jason Modlin, Ed.D. | Dean of Students | | SEND EMAIL |
Jay Fortenbery, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice | | SEND EMAIL |
Jay Quinan, Ph.D. | Professor Emeritus of Psychology | | SEND EMAIL |
Jaylen Perry | Area Coordinator | (252) 985-5282 | SEND EMAIL |
Jeff Filkovski | Head Football Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Jennifer Anderson | President’s Office Coordinator | | SEND EMAIL |
Jennifer Phipps | Graduate Academic Advisor | | SEND EMAIL |
Jerry A. Robertson | Maintenance Tech | | SEND EMAIL |
Jesse Gay | Academic Advisor | | SEND EMAIL |
Jessica Brys-Wilson | Director of Health Services | | SEND EMAIL |
Jim Bowers, Ph.D. | Professor of English | | SEND EMAIL |
Jim Manning | Groundskeeper | | SEND EMAIL |
Joe Allen | Admissions Counselor – Goldsboro/Wilmington APS | | SEND EMAIL |
Joe Lane, Ph.D. | Provost and Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs | | SEND EMAIL |
John Brackett | Softball Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
John Starling | General Maintenance Worker | | SEND EMAIL |
John Temple, Ph.D. | Professor of Biology | | SEND EMAIL |
John Thompson | Head Men's Basketball Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Jonathan Sarris, Ph.D. | Professor of History/Program Coordinator, History | | SEND EMAIL |
Joy Smallwood | Assistant Dean of Adult Studies | | SEND EMAIL |
Judie Taylor | Graphic Designer | | SEND EMAIL |
Justin Bryant | Assistant Women’s Soccer Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Justin Clark | Assistant Head Football Coach – Offensive Coordinator | | SEND EMAIL |
J’vonte Hudson | Assistant Football Coach Intern | | SEND EMAIL |
Karen Moody | Housekeeper | | SEND EMAIL |
Kate Gaglias | Assistant Athletic Trainer | | SEND EMAIL |
Katie Beeman, Ph.D. | Coordinator of Academic Intervention Services, Visiting Instructor of English | | SEND EMAIL |
Katie Farrell | Dean of Adult & Professional Studies | | SEND EMAIL |
Katrina Sweet, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Business Administration/Program Coordinator, Business Administration and Organizational Leadership | | SEND EMAIL |
Kayla Wilson-Ruffin | Assistant Volleyball Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Kelvin Spragley, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Teacher Education/Director of Teacher Education/Chief Diversity Officer | | SEND EMAIL |
Key Strickland | Graduate Assistant – Admissions | | SEND EMAIL |
Khira Young | Lab Supervisor | | SEND EMAIL |
Kim Martin, Ph.D. | Associate Professor-Psychology | | SEND EMAIL |
Kimla Brandt | NCWU Event and Summer Camp Coordinator | | SEND EMAIL |
Lakesha Joyner | Reference Librarian - PT | | SEND EMAIL |
Lakita Davis | Library Night Supervisor - PT | | SEND EMAIL |
Larry Edgerton | Painter - PT | | SEND EMAIL |
Larry Richardson | Lead Groundskeeper | | SEND EMAIL |
Laura Brown | Associate Dean of Veteran Services | | SEND EMAIL |
Leah Hill | Director of Financial Aid | | SEND EMAIL |
Lee Richardson | Housekeeper | | SEND EMAIL |
Lee Templeton, Ph.D. | Professor of English & Chair of the School of Humanities | | SEND EMAIL |
Lesley McGraw DNP, MSN, RN, CNE | Associate Director of Nursing Programs/Coordinator of the BSN program/Assistant Professor of Nursing | | SEND EMAIL |
Lillie Baumbach | Graduate Assistant – Rachel T. Dix Bookstore | | SEND EMAIL |
Lois Hart, Ed.D. | Associate Professor of Teacher Education | | SEND EMAIL |
Lori Tyndall | Sr. Financial Aid Advisor - PT | | SEND EMAIL |
Lucas Berrini, M.A./M.L.I.S. | Assistant Professor/Collection Development Librarian | | SEND EMAIL |
Lynne Patterson | Financial Aid Advisor | | SEND EMAIL |
Mac Sykes | Head Golf Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Marcus Rich | Rachel T. Dix Bookstore Manager | | SEND EMAIL |
Margaret Bentley | Staff Accountant/Payroll Processor | | SEND EMAIL |
Margaret Love, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of English | | SEND EMAIL |
Maria Gil del Alcazar, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Marketing | | SEND EMAIL |
Mark Bowman | Head Men's Soccer Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Mark Hinson | Vice President of Advancement | | SEND EMAIL |
Mark Sursavage, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of English & Director of the Writing Center | | SEND EMAIL |
Marlo Walker | Campus Counselor | | SEND EMAIL |
Marvin Scott | Housekeeper | | SEND EMAIL |
Mary Catherine “Mary Cat” Weloff | Coordinator of Donor Gifts and Information | | SEND EMAIL |
Matias Valenzuela Matic | Assistant Men’s Soccer Coach - PT | | SEND EMAIL |
Matt Rowe | Assistant Tennis Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Meir Magal, Ph.D., ACSM-CEP, NSCA-CSCS, FACSM | Inaugural Souza Professor of Exercise Science/Chair, School of Math and Science/Program Coordinator, Exercise Science | | SEND EMAIL |
Meredith Booth | Assistant Softball Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Meredith Gringle, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Public Health | | SEND EMAIL |
Michael Frye | Senior Graphic & Web Designer | | SEND EMAIL |
Mike Armbruster | Assistant Athletic Director, Internal Operations | | SEND EMAIL |
Molly Wyatt, Ph.D. | Associate Provost/ Associate Professor of Sociology | | SEND EMAIL |
Monet Somerville | Area Coordinator | (252) 985-5356 | SEND EMAIL |
Monica Phillis, M.S. | Visiting Instructor of Accounting | | SEND EMAIL |
Nadine L’Heureux | Director of International Admissions | | SEND EMAIL |
Nadine Verner | Academic Advisor | | SEND EMAIL |
Nicole Mills | Graduate Admissions Counselor- APS | | SEND EMAIL |
Paige Price Wells | Director of the Campus Experience | | SEND EMAIL |
Pamela Patterson, Ph.D. | Professor of Chemistry/Program Coordinator, Chemistry | | SEND EMAIL |
Patricia Brewer, Ph.D. | Professor of Teacher Education | | SEND EMAIL |
Paul Ewell, AIC, D.B.A. | Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management/Program Coordinator, Supply Chain Management | | SEND EMAIL |
Phylicia Thomas | Admissions Counselor – RMT APS | | SEND EMAIL |
Quincy D. McKinney, Jr. | Assistant Football Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Rachel Roy, MLS | Associate Professor/Director of the Library | | SEND EMAIL |
Renee Bradley | Facilities Office Administrator | | SEND EMAIL |
ReOtis Anderson | Financial Aid Advisor | | SEND EMAIL |
Robert “Rob” Wilson | Assistant to the AD for Academic Intervention & Student-Athlete Support/Assistant Men's Basketball Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Robert “Sean” Grande | Assistant Football Coach Intern | | SEND EMAIL |
Robin Pietryk, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Sports Administration/Program Coordinator, Sports Administration | | SEND EMAIL |
Sarah Pierce | Coordinator of Academic Support Services/DSO, Chair of Orientation Committee | | SEND EMAIL |
Savannah Browne | Admissions Counselor | | SEND EMAIL |
Scott Marsigli | Institutional Research Analyst | | SEND EMAIL |
Shane Thompson, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Bible and the Ancient Near East | | SEND EMAIL |
Shannon Crowley, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Public Health, MPH Program Director, Program Coordinator for Public Health Studies | | SEND EMAIL |
Sheila Martin | Executive Director Dunn Center | | SEND EMAIL |
Sherra Taylor | Admissions Processing/Quality Control Specialist | | SEND EMAIL |
Sherry Williamson, D.B.A. | Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems | | SEND EMAIL |
Sophia Sweeney | Graduate Assistant - Registrar | | SEND EMAIL |
Stephanie Stallings | Lead Admissions Counselor | | SEND EMAIL |
Suzanne Brackett | Senior Vice President-Administration | | SEND EMAIL |
Suzanne Hening | International Student Services Coordinator, Junior International Advisor/DSO | | SEND EMAIL |
Tammy Harrell | Manager of Faculty Records & Academic Projects | | SEND EMAIL |
Tammy Hilliard-Thompson | Director of Residence Life | (252) 985-5548 | SEND EMAIL |
Tammy Robinson | Director of Donor Engagement | | SEND EMAIL |
Tanisha Reed | Director of Career Development | | SEND EMAIL |
Taquita Gary | Student Accounts Rep | | SEND EMAIL |
Taylor Stone | Director of Student Success Services | | SEND EMAIL |
Taylor “Brooke” Fassnacht | Communications Specialist | | SEND EMAIL |
Teikisha Anderson | Controller | | SEND EMAIL |
Thelma Newton | Housekeeping | | SEND EMAIL |
Thomas “Shelton” Nixon IV | Graduate Assistant - Rachel T. Dix Bookstore | | SEND EMAIL |
Tim Donovan | Head Athletic Trainer | | SEND EMAIL |
Tim Dornemann, Ed.D., CES, PES, CSCS, CPSS OS Pro | Associate Professor of Exercise Science, Director of the MS-HPSS Program | | SEND EMAIL |
Tonia Grimsley | Head Cheer Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Tony Sawyer, M.M. | Assistant Professor of Music Production, Director of 301 North Records | | SEND EMAIL |
Trisana Brevard | Graduate Assistant – Career Development | | SEND EMAIL |
Trudy Nicholson | Housekeeper | | SEND EMAIL |
Tyana Ellis, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Communications and Public Health | | SEND EMAIL |
Tyler Brown | Systems Technician | | SEND EMAIL |
Tyler Dew | Academic Advisor | | SEND EMAIL |
Uma Swamy | Assistant Professor of Marketing | | SEND EMAIL |
Vanessa Batchelor, MS, NSCA-CSCS, NSCA-CPSS, USA-W L1 | Visiting Instructor of Exercise Science, Graduate Program Field Experience Coordinator and Strength & Conditioning Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Vendela Dolsenius | Assistant Registrar | | SEND EMAIL |
Vicky Gentile | Volleyball Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Vionte Pigford | Assistant Cross Country/Track & Field Coach – PT | | SEND EMAIL |
Wayne Sears | Director of Campus Safety | | SEND EMAIL |
Wendy Achilles, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Accounting & Chair, School of Business | | SEND EMAIL |
Wendy Brake | Executive Assistant for Academics | | SEND EMAIL |
Wesley Mercer | Help Desk Technician | | SEND EMAIL |
Young Hun Kim, Ph.D. | Associate Professor of Political Science/Program Coordinator, Political Science | | SEND EMAIL |
Zach Smith | Assistant Athletic Trainer | | SEND EMAIL |
Zachary Lyon | Assistant Baseball Coach | | SEND EMAIL |
Zack Patterson | Maintenance Tech | | SEND EMAIL |