Young Hun Kim, Ph.D.
Employment Type FACULTY
Program/Department Political Science, School of Education and Social Science

Young Hun Kim, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Political Science/Program Coordinator, Political Science

Ph.D., Political Science, Pennsylvania State University
M.A., Political Science, Pennsylvania State University
M.A., Russian and Eastern European Studies/Political Science, Seoul National University
B.A., Polish Language and Literature, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies


I have earned my Ph.D. in Political Science in 2008 from the Pennsylvania State University. My teaching and research focus on comparative political institutions, democracy and democratization, East European politics, Russian Politics, and East Asian Politics.


Teaching Interests
I currently teach Comparative Politics, East Asian Politics, Introduction to International Relations, Introduction to Political Science, and Political Parties and Public Opinion.

I believe my role as a teacher is to introduce students to new areas, work with them on topics that they are curious about, and keep students motivated and enthusiastic throughout the course. In doing so, I hope that students in my classes not only complete the class in a successful manner but also effectively evaluate theoretical arguments in Political Science and develop their own perspectives accordingly.


Research Interests
My research has focused mostly, but not exclusively, on comparative political institutions and democratization, with regional expertise in East Asia and Eastern Europe. More specifically, I examine sources and consequences of new types of presidential instability (interrupted presidencies and impeachment attempts), the post-tenure fate of political leaders, and institutional determinants of democratic performance in presidential and semi-presidential systems. My research appeared in Cross-Cultural Research, Democratization, Government and Opposition, Journal of Politics, and Political Research Quarterly.


Courses Taught
POL 112: American Political System
POL 200: Introduction to Political Science
POL 201: Introduction to International Relations
POL 300: The United States Congress
POL 311: Political Parties and Public Opinion
POL 313: Comparative Politics
POL 315: East Asian Politics
POL 401: Ideals and Ideology
POL 408: Big Business and American Politics
POL 495: Presidentialism in Comparative Perspective


How long have you been at NCWU?
Since 2015

What's your favorite class that you teach?
Political 201 and 313

What are your research & teaching interests?
Comparative Political institutions, democracy democratization, presidential instability

What is a fun fact or an interesting hobby of yours?