Student Complaint Process

NC Wesleyan University is a community with a special mission and is composed of diverse individuals. As a higher educational institution, North Carolina Wesleyan University encourages growth and diversity in thought and appropriate communications. North Carolina Wesleyan University recognizes that issues (i.e. concerns, grievances, etc.) between students and faculty, staff, peers, and the University are possible. North Carolina Wesleyan University appreciates all individuals that voice issues, and it desires to provide an environment where all issues can be addressed. 

In the event that a general or specific issue is submitted in writing by a student, it is the policy of North Carolina Wesleyan University to respond to the student in an appropriate and timely manner. It is also the policy of North Carolina Wesleyan University to provide an appeal procedure for all issues, concerns, and grievances. 

North Carolina Wesleyan University assigns oversight for the listed area of responsibility to the individual designated below, and the designated individual is responsible for establishing written procedures which are to be published in appropriate documents. 

  1. Academic (non-grade related) – Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs 
  2. A.D.A – Accessibility Services Coordinator 
  3. Sexual Harassment –Title IX Coordinator 
  4. Non-Academic – Dean of Students 


Non-Academic Complaint Procedure

Step 1: It is assumed that most general and specific student complaints can be resolved informally through dialogue between the student and the appropriate University personnel. Students are requested to make their grievance known immediately upon discovery so that University personnel can respond in a timely manner. 

Step 2: On occasion, a student’s grievance may be unresolved through informal discussion with whom the complaint lies. When that happens, the student should submit the grievance, whether general or specific, in writing to the administrator who has jurisdiction over the department in which the incident occurred. This may be done by completing the Student Complaint Form. The written grievance statement should include the following: 

  • The exact nature and details of the concern. 
  • The exact date, time, and place of the incident (if applicable). 
  • Names of all witnesses who have knowledge of the circumstances. 
  • All written documentation or evidence relevant to the concern. 

The University Administrator receiving the written complaint will send a written response to the student within five (5) calendar days to acknowledge receipt of the complaint and provide the student with a projection of the time required to investigate the grievance and take whatever action is deemed appropriate. The administrator will then investigate the complaint making sure that as a part of their process they communicate with the faculty, staff or others involved in the complaint prior to completing their investigation.

The person responsible for investigating the complaint will attempt to resolve all general and specific complaints within 14 calendar days. If the grievance is with the University Administrator, the written complaint should be filed with the Administrator’s Manager or the Provost/VP of Academic Affairs.

Once the administrator completes their investigation, they shall report their findings to the student and all other persons involved in the complaint (e.g., faculty, staff, or other persons). 

Step 3: When a grievance is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, he/she may submit a written appeal to the Dean of Students. The written appeal should include the following: 

  1. A copy of the original written complaint. 
  2. A copy of the initial decision. 
  3. A detailed explanation of why the initial decision is unacceptable. 

The Dean of Students will review the appeal and may wish to meet with the student at their discretion. The Dean of Students may communicate with the faculty, staff, or others involved prior to notifying the student of their findings and offer them the opportunity to supply input into the matter. The Dean of Students will respond to the student within 30 calendar days. When University Administrators need more than the allotted time to respond, the need will be communicated to the student, along with a reason for the need and the expected resolution date. The Dean of Students may assist the student in this process if the student is not sure how, or with whom, to file a grievance.


Process Summary:

Step 1: Directly discuss the issue with the appropriate individuals. If the grievance remains unresolved;

Step 2: File a written grievance with the individual who has jurisdiction over the department in which the grievance occurred. If the grievance remains unresolved;

Step 3: File a written appeal to the Dean of Students. The decision of the Dean of Students is final.


State Authorization, Accreditation & Accountability

North Carolina Wesleyan University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award baccalaureate and master’s degrees. Visit the State Authorization, Accreditation & Accountability webpage for more information.