Campus Safety & Security


While the University desires to assist all eligible person the opportunity to attend NCWU in their pursuit of higher education, an individual’s personal conduct can preclude that opportunity. NCWU will conduct a criminal background check on all applicants for admission. Applicants with charges OR convictions for crimes other than traffic citations may be denied admission or have their admission opportunity delayed until such charges have been appropriately disposed of in a court of law. Students are expected to answer honestly during their admission process and must declare any pending criminal charges, not just convictions, and must disclose all driving offenses and all pending charges. 

  1. Falsifying information on the application is grounds for denial of admission. 
  1. Applicants who are charged with any crime other than a traffic citation after the time of application are required to notify the Office of Admissions within 48 hours of receiving notice of the charge(s). 
  1. Accepted or admitted students who, at any time since their admittance, are charged with any crime other than a traffic citation are required to notify the Dean of Students within 48 hours of receiving notice of the charge(s). 
  1. The applicant or admitted student must notify, in writing, the department indicated above within 48 hours of the final disposition in any such case. 

The University reserves the right to delay or deny admission to any student whose charges could be an indicator of behavior that endangers others or is not in standing with the present code of student conduct. The Office of Admissions or the Director of Campus Security may request a written explanation of any charges before making a final decision. Any decision by this body is not appealable except to dispute the charges or final disposition of the Court. 

The University reserves the right to remove from campus housing or disenroll any student whose charges the Dean of Students and the Department of Campus Security believes could be an indicator of behavior that endangers others or is not in standing with the present code of student conduct. The Dean of Students or the Director of Campus Safety may ask for a written explanation as to any charges before making a final decision. Any decision made in regards to a current student shall follow the conduct process as detailed in the Student Handbook, including the right to appear before the University Honor Board and the right to appeal. 

Failure for a returning student or a current student to abide by the standards set out in sections 3 or 4 above are grounds for action under the Student Code of Conduct. 

The University, in its intent to act in the best interest of the University and the safety of the overall student body, may consider evidence and presumed facts in any criminal matter prior to any criminal proceedings or final court disposition. The University shall not be bound by any court decision in the criminal charges of any applicant for admission or current or returning student, unless this policy is found unlawful or unconditional by a State or Federal court of competent jurisdiction.


The Department of Campus Security (252) 406-7928 has three basic areas of responsibility – Security, Safety and Parking. 

Statement of Responsibility for Accidents 

The University assumes no responsibility or liability for accidents or injuries incurred by anyone on University property. A particular area where caution should be used is the water fountain at the front entrance of the campus. Damage to the electrical wiring in and around the fountain could cause serious injury. The sharp edges of the water jets inside the fountain could also be a source of injury. 


The Campus Security Office is located in the Hardees Student Building. Security is responsible for the enforcement of campus policies, traffic regulations, and emergency assistance. Any security- related incidents should be reported to Security as soon as possible. Campus security is the responsibility of the Director of Campus Safety. The office of the Director of Campus Safety is in the Hardees Student Building, room C across from the Bookstore. His number phone number is 252-985-5585. 

A further explanation of the policies of NC Wesleyan University and the associated policy statements may be located at WWW.NCWU.EDU/SECURITY. 

A. Reporting of Emergencies or Criminal Acts 

Any emergency or criminal act should be immediately reported to the appropriate University official. At Rocky Mount, including the Wesleyan Inn, to: the Security Office, Resident Life Staff, the Director of Campus Safety or the Student Affairs Office. Students’ at all non-Rocky Mount campus locations should report incidents to the director or instructor of that location. ANY LIFE THREATENING EMERGENCY or CRIME IN PROGRESS should first be reported to 911. The University has placed 911 call towers throughout the main campus. They are colored Wesleyan Blue with the words “EMERGENCY” located on their side. There is a lit blue light on the top of each tower for quick location of these units. All members of the NCWU campus are notified by email each semester of the locations of the towers and the proper use of these for notifying 911 Emergency Operators of any emergency. Emergency and important phone numbers are posted throughout the University. Security or the University official will respond immediately to all calls for assistance. Matters requiring a continuing investigation are conducted by the Director of Campus Safety or the Student Affairs Office. As necessary, the University will call upon local law enforcement for further assistance. All serious misdemeanor crimes and all felony crimes will be reported to Rocky Mount Police Department unless the victim in the matter does not wish that they be notified. In any criminal matter any person may call local authorities as well as the above campus personnel to report any criminal or suspicious activity. 

All crimes and suspicious activity may be reported to:

  • Campus Security 252-406-7928, Room 109 – Hardees Building (24 hrs. a day) 
  • Director of Campus Safety – 252-985-5585, Office D – Hardees Building 
  • Dean of Students – 252-985-5404, Suite 111, Hardees Building 
  • Director for Residence Life – 252-985-5584, Suite 111, Hardees Building 
  • Area Coordinator – 252-985-5282, 1st Floor Petteway Hall 
  • Area Coordinator – 252-985-5288, 1st Floor Roberson Hall 

B. Jurisdiction 

The Rocky Mount campus is patrolled twenty-four hours a day by contract security personnel from Allied Security Services. These personnel do not possess the powers of arrest. However, they are authorized to detain any subject under North Carolina State Statutes for certain circumstances.


During periods when traditional class are in session, Rocky Mount Police Officers are hired for campus patrol during the evening hours. These hours are often expanded during special events like homecoming and school authorized socials. These Officers have full powers of arrest as granted by the State of North Carolina.

C. Security Programs

Programs about security and related issues are offered throughout the academic year in the residence halls, orientation, speakers and forums and specifically through monthly “Bishop Safety Tips” from the Security Director’s Office.  During the first few weeks of each semester all members of the Wesleyan Family are strongly encouraged to watch video clips and emails sent from the Director of Campus Safety on campus safety, responding to incidents on campus, and use of the campus emergency response system “Blackboard Alert’, and the use of the 911 Emergency Call Towers located throughout campus.

D. Safety 

Safety must be supported by individual interest, care, and involvement by all members of the academic community. Individuals take a great deal of responsibility in personal safety with the decisions they make. Specific information on campus crime statistics, crime prevention, personal safety, and other related topics are available at the Security Office. Members of the University community should report suspicious persons or activities to the Security Office at 406-7928 immediately. All life threating emergencies should be reported to 911 and then to the Security Office. The University assumes no responsibilities or liability for lost or damaged items. Students are advised to determine if their possessions are covered by their parents’ homeowners insurance and, if not, to invest in adequate personal property (renter’s) insurance. In addition, the University assumes no responsibility or liability for accidents and injuries by anyone on University property. Special caution should be used around the fountain at the front entrance of the campus. Damage to electrical wiring in or around the fountain may cause serious injury. Students have a major responsibility to use good judgment and are responsible for their actions. Repeated violations of policy requiring intervention on the part of Security may require a conference with the Dean of Students of Designee. Repeated failures to abide by campus policies may result in a student being suspended from the residence halls or, in extreme cases, being suspended or expelled from the University. In case of family emergency, security and/or the Student Affairs Office are available to assist in contracting students. 

  1. Escort Service Escorts are provided upon request from 5:00 p.m.-8:00 a.m. for persons walking to and from facilities and parking lots. 
  2. Lost and Found A lost and found is maintained during the academic year. All property found should be turned in to the security office. Property not claimed will be disposed of at the end of each semester. 

E. Parking 

Security is responsible for enforcement of campus parking and safety regulations. 

  1. All vehicles operated by staff, faculty and students that park on NCWU property must register their vehicles with the Security Office. 
  2. All vehicles on University property must be currently licensed and insured. Vehicles that do not meet this requirement may be ordered removed, and those not removed may be towed at the expense of the owner, and the owner is subject to any and all cost including storage fees. Campus Security shall attempt to notify the owner via their registration address or campus registry before such action is taken. 
  3. Parking permits/decals may be picked up at the Security office or Student Affairs Office in Hardees Building. It is the student’s responsibility to pick up his or her parking permit. 
  4. Decals must be displayed on vehicles. Place the permit in the lower left-hand corner of your rear window. 
  5. Decals may not be obstructed, obscured defaced or altered form their original format. If so they will be considered invalid. 
  6. Security offers limited assistance to students, faculty, staff, and visitors with vehicle problems. For those in need of technical service, Security will assist in locating sources for those requesting service. However, all business arrangements for outside services are between the party requesting the service and the providers of the service. 
  7. Parking violations occurring on campus are investigated by Security and persons involved will be charged appropriately and fined. 
  8. All Students are advised that any vehicle registered with, or in the control of said student and brought onto the premise of NCWU or any premises under the control or lease of NCWU agree in advance and as a condition to bring any vehicle onto the property or lease of NCWU that NC Wesleyan University Officials and Security Officers may make reasonable warrantless searches in emergencies or to enforce appropriate regulations that further the educational mission of the institution including suspected violations of state law and or violations of the Student Handbook / Code of Conduct. Such entry and/or checks/searches are made in the presence of the student(s) whenever possible. If the student(s) cannot be located, the person authorized to enter should be accompanied by another University employee or a student witness. Except in certain emergency situations, officials conducting a warrantless search will give notice of their identity and purpose. 

Parking Rules and Regulations 

  • Parking is prohibited where indicated by sign or yellow, red or blue painted curb. 
  • Valid parking spaces are marked with white lines. 
  • Parking in reserved spaces is prohibited. 
  • Parking in two spaces, on the grass, or paved sidewalks is prohibited. 
  • Unpaid tickets may result in towing of the vehicle. 
  • All costs incurred by towing are the responsibility of the individual. 
  • Ticketing for permits occurs 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. 
  • No parking zones, yellow curbs, and reserved spaces are ticketed at all times. 
  • Parking in handicap spaces may result in towing of the vehicle and the issuance of a North Carolina Criminal Charge by local authorities. 
  • Violations result in a $10 fine, except for $15 for not having a valid permit, $25 for speeding, and $100 for parking in a handicapped space. 
  • Appeals can be made to the Director of Campus Safety within 10 days of violation. After 10 days there is no appeal. His decision may be appealed to the Dean of Students, if desired, within 5 days. The Dean of Students decision is final. 
  • Unpaid tickets will be billed to a student’s account. Remember that vehicles may be towed for accumulating unpaid tickets. Repeated failure to abide by University policy may result in suspension of parking privileges and/or disciplinary action. Please refer all questions or concerns about University Parking Policy to the Director of Campus Safety (Hardees Building) 

Students are reminded that Tyler Drive is considered a state road and is subject to all North Carolina traffic laws. 

Security Tips and Reminders 

  • Keep doors locked at all times. 
  • Do not keep large sums of money on campus. 
  • Do not leave laundry unattended. 
  • Report suspicious individuals or unescorted guests. 
  • Never prop any doors open. Keep track of keys. 
  • Do not leave money or valuables in plain view. 
  • Record serial numbers of all belongings and credit cards. Photograph belongings. 
  • Memorize and destroy long distance phone access code. 
  • Memorize personal ID numbers for bank and credit cards. 
  • Keep bicycles or mopeds locked at all times. 
  • Keep cars locked at all times. 
  • Do not store valuables in the car or trunk. Always be aware of the surroundings. 
  • Place valuable items (i.e., laptops, game system consoles and other electronic items) on homeowner’s insurance policy. 

The above security tips are just a few suggestions which, when followed, should help provide a reasonably safe campus. Please refer any questions, comments, or concerns to the Director of Campus Safety.