ROCKY MOUNT, NORTH CAROLINA – The Taylor and Crocker families recently provided funds to refurnish the Taylor-Crocker Honors Program Lounge at NC Wesleyan University and purchased Honors Jackets for all 50 students in the Program. The lounge was relocated to a larger space on campus and received new carpet, paint and furniture, along with cupboards that are stocked with snacks and drinks for students to enjoy.

“The recent changes and updates to the Honors Lounge are simply amazing! On behalf of the program, I personally want to express my sincerest thanks to the Taylors and Crockers. Their efforts will ensure the lounge is a special place for Honors Program students now and for years to come,” stated Dr. Bill Yankosky, Director of the Taylor-Crocker Honors Program. “We are very appreciative of the support these two families have given to the program and look forward to strengthening that relationship in the years to come.”
Originally established in 1988 under the leadership of former English Professor, Dr. Steve Ferebee, the Program was renamed in 2009 when Roger G. Taylor, class of 1970, and his wife, Gaile, met with former President James A. Gray III. The funding that was provided for The Roger G. and Gaile Davenport Taylor Honors Program covered memberships and attendance to Honors Association Conferences, Honors Project supplies and thesis binding, guest speakers, social events for team building, professional development, Honors symposiums and travel.

In 2014, NCWU Board Chair, Dr. Dan Crocker and wife Brenda, came alongside the Taylors to support the initiative and a $100,000 pledge was made to fund the Taylor-Crocker Honors Program. The Crockers also established the Dr. James Durant Melton Outward Bound Scholarship that supports Honors Students who participate in the NC Outward Bound Program which offers challenging outdoor adventure programs.
“The Taylors and Crockers have been avid supporters of North Carolina Wesleyan University and their investment in the Honors Program has definitely been impactful for our students,” stated Tammy Robinson, Director of Donor Engagement. “The newly furnished Honors Lounge is a beautiful and welcoming space for our Honors students. It’s a comfortable, dedicated space just for them, equipped with snacks to relax, study, read or socialize. We are so grateful for the generosity of the Taylors, the Crockers and all those who have given to the Honors Program.”
Incoming students with a combined score of at least 1170 on the Critical Reading and Mathematics sections of the SAT (or equivalent ACT scores) and a high school GPA of 3.5 or higher are invited to apply to the Taylor-Crocker Honors Program. Freshmen enrolled in the Program take special freshman courses in English and Humanities. Honors Program students then take one honors course each semester during their sophomore and junior years. During senior year, these students design and complete a supervised, interdisciplinary project consisting of a written and oral component. The project gives honors students the unique opportunity to work on an individual basis with a faculty member.
About North Carolina Wesleyan University
North Carolina Wesleyan University (NCWU) is a small, private Methodist-affiliated institution with a liberal arts-based core curriculum that prepares students for professional advancement, life-long learning and responsible participation in their communities. NCWU offers liberal arts, professional and graduate degree programs for traditional, transfer and working-adult students. The skills cultivated by faculty and built into the curriculum include critical thinking and reflection, communication, collaboration, and information technology. North Carolina Wesleyan University delivers education that is personal, practical and purpose-driven. Personal…through mentoring and the connections that are provided. Practical…by helping students develop lifelong skills. Purpose-driven…by helping them fulfill their purpose in life. With students from all over the United States and more than 40 different countries, the University has immense cultural diversity. To learn more, visit and follow on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok and Instagram.