ROCKY MOUNT, NORTH CAROLINA – North Carolina Wesleyan University (NCWC) has signed an agreement with Duke Divinity School (DDS) to offer NCWC students an accelerated pathway to pastoral leadership. This agreement will allow NC Wesleyan students to dual enroll at both institutions during their junior and senior years.
Leaders of both institutions signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in a virtual ceremony on Monday, October 18. The Accelerated Pastoral Formation Program of Duke University is designed to coordinate the education of students in selected undergraduate schools with professional programs in theological education offered at Duke. The program provides a unique combination of liberal and professional education well suited for those desiring entry to the fields of ordained and lay ministry.
“NC Wesleyan has a proud tradition of preparing students for ministry. This partnership will provide students called to serve the church with outstanding opportunities for both intellectual and spiritual formation,” stated Dr. Andrew Stern, Professor of Religion at NC Wesleyan.

The Accelerated Program provides a pathway for undergraduate students to begin graduate level study at Duke that is eligible to apply toward completion of requirements for the Hybrid Master of Divinity (MDiv-H) or Master of Arts in Christian Practice (MACP) degree.
“Through Duke Divinity School’s partnership with NC Wesleyan University, a United Methodist-affiliated liberal arts college, we will create innovative ways to serve students seeking careers in ministry, helping students discern their vocational calling and cultivate their pastoral leadership,” stated Dr. Jung Choi, Senior Director of Wesleyan Formation Initiatives at Duke Divinity School.
Although the program is designed to accommodate a wide range of undergraduate backgrounds, students with majors in the humanities, especially Religious Studies, will be best prepared. NC Wesleyan students will be able to matriculate to Duke Divinity School immediately following the conferral of their baccalaureate degree.
About Duke Divinity School
Duke Divinity School’s mission is to engage in spiritually disciplined and academically rigorous education in service and witness to the Triune God in the midst of the church, the academy, and the world.