ROCKY MOUNT, NORTH CAROLINA – North Carolina Wesleyan University (NCWC) recently reauthorized an agreement to help qualified Cape Fear Community College (CFCC) graduates transfer to Wesleyan. The agreement will strengthen an existing partnership between the two schools and provide a seamless transfer experience for students who enroll at Wesleyan after completing their two-year degree at CFCC.

“Cape Fear Community College is proud to partner with NC Wesleyan to strengthen our articulation agreement,” said Jim Morton, CFCC president. “We are committed to partnerships that provide opportunities for our students to excel at Cape Fear Community College and beyond. This partnership helps make it easier for students who choose NC Wesleyan to take their next step.”
The partnership between the two colleges began in 2011 and was the first of its kind for NC Wesleyan. NC Wesleyan maintains an office on Cape Fear Community College’s North Campus to advise CFCC students and help them transition to Wesleyan. The renewed agreement will enhance and expand the educational opportunities of CFCC’s Associate in Arts, Associate in Science and Associate in Applied Science graduates by offering them access to unique benefits at NC Wesleyan. CFCC graduates will have access to the Wesleyan Works program, pre-admission advising and generous transfer credit. What’s more, the agreement allows CFCC Associate in Applied Science students the opportunity to transfer an additional 15 hours of general education credits for a total of 75 transfer credits.
“Watching our partnership grow over the last nine years has been truly rewarding. We started with one Coordinator and have grown to a full staff of four. This growth is attributed to the supportive relationship between NCWC and CFCC and the dedication to our students. We look forward to continuing to develop new initiatives to best serve CFCC students,” stated Katie Farrell, Associate Dean of Adult & Professional Studies.
Students who graduate from CFCC and transfer under this agreement may select any of NC Wesleyan’s programs of study or transfer to the College’s Adult and Professional Studies program, taking advantage of the Wesleyan Works program. Students are required to maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 and be in good academic standing. The agreement gives CFCC graduates who might not have otherwise been able to attend NC Wesleyan the opportunity to pursue a bachelor’s degree. Wesleyan Works is a transfer program designed for community college students who plan to continue their education at NC Wesleyan. Students who participate in Wesleyan Works have access to academic advising and financial aid counseling through NC Wesleyan and access to events on the College’s main campus. The program is ideal for students who would like to attend NC Wesleyan’s evening or online programs.