What’s the best return on your appreciated stock?
The appreciation of NC Wesleyan University students.
Your gift of appreciated stocks, bonds, or mutual funds helps create a transformative educational experience. You reap benefits, too!
In Giving, You Receive
The charitable gift annuity (CGA) is a planning tool that recognizes the rewards of giving begin with the desire to make a gift.
To create a charitable gift annuity, a donor transfers an asset to charity. In turn, the charity agrees to make payments to the donor(s) for life. The gift annuity adds a tangible benefit in the form of attractive payments. The specific rate is based on the age of the donor. See the table provided or contact us for your personal rate.
Gift Annuity from Stock
While a gift annuity can be funded in a number of ways, let’s examine the benefits of transferring an appreciated block of stock to charity.
The gift annuity graphic below shows the highlights. Not only is there an immediate charitable income tax deduction but it is possible to bypass a portion of the capital gains tax. For example, stock valued at $200,000 with an original cost of $40,000 transferred to a gift annuity may save more than $24,000 in taxes!
Many donors appreciate the fixed payments of a gift annuity. A portion of the payment may be tax free. To find out your current rate, contact The Office of Advancement at 252.985.5266.

Stock Gift Contacts:
Wells Fargo Advisors
Phone: 252.977.6893
DTC#: 0141
Acct Name: North Carolina Wesleyan University
Stifel Nicholaus
Phone: 252.443.2724
DTC#: 0793
Acct Name: North Carolina Wesleyan University
This information is not intended as tax, legal or financial advice. Gift results may vary. Consult your personal financial advisor for information specific to your situation.