What makes NC Wesleyan so unique?
Our Mission is to prepare students for professional advancement, life-long learning, and responsible participation in their communities. At North Carolina Wesleyan University, we provide students with opportunities to make meaningful connections and learn through innovative teaching approaches.
NCWU is truly a special place- a distinctive Wesleyan experience equips our graduates to make a positive impact on the world. The University fosters a student-centered culture that values the feedback and contributions of our students. Listed below are just a few reasons why our students believe North Carolina Wesleyan University is such a special place.
Personal. Practical. Purpose-driven.
What Our Adult Students Have To Say!
Also, the process of getting accepted did not take long to hear back. NCWU keeps all students informed on important information. Earning all my degrees from NCWU has impacted my professional career a great deal. Since my degrees at Wesleyan, I am currently making 25,000 more than what I was making without degrees. Sharon Lynn Bright, MBA OnlineI wanted to obtain my educational degree and I heard of different sites where NCWU was offering degrees. I decided to register for my undergrad degree. I enjoyed the Adult Studies program so much, I then decided to obtain my master’s in science degree from NC Wesleyan. I am now working on my second master’s at NCWU.
Christine Clift was my advisor while I was working on my degree. You know the saying “the light at the end of the tunnel?” Well, she was the light that got me through the tunnel. Mrs. Clift is everything an advisor should be, encouraging and motivating. When I told her I wanted to earn my MBA and teach a few courses on the side she told me “You will do it because you’re that type of person.” Earning my degree impacted my professional career by proving my dedication, motivation, and my desire to achieve. Demonstrating these characteristics has opened a few doors for me at work. However, I am just getting started so stay tuned. Alissa P. Cutler ’22, Business Administration Major, Greenville CampusMy favorite thing about the NC Wesleyan Adult Degree Program is how it is designed for the adult student. The NCWU Adult Degree Program makes it possible for the adult student to earn a degree while juggling adult responsibilities.
Within 2 months of graduating with a bachelor’s in marketing, I landed a job interview with Apple, NASDAQ, Microsoft and other amazing tech companies. I simply added my degree to my LinkedIn and recruiters all bum-rushed me at the same time. I ended up taking a position with a French company based in Paris France where I take several trips a year working with my team. I don’t think I could have ever achieved this level of success without the help of NCWU. Wesleyan is a wonderful place to come to get your degree, finish up a degree, obtain and new degree, continue your education and more. With pricing lower than most NC universities, you won’t graduate owing crazy amounts like you can at other universities. I’d also recommend Wesleyan as the degree here is well respected throughout the world. Once I obtained the NCWU degree, doors across the world begin to open for me. I love what Wesleyan did for me… I want the world to know about the amazing program this school offers. If it wasn’t for NCWU, I probably wouldn’t be on the track that I’m on. Because of my bachelor’s, I’ll one day land my dream job as a Marketing Director for a Fortune 500. I’m currently a Marketing Manager and I’m on my way Wesleyan! Eronger N. Kornegay III ’21, MarketingNC Wesleyan’s Adult Degree Program allowed me the flexibility of being able to obtain a bachelor’s online. I was always attracted to the Durham campus and how small and intimate the classroom settings were.
Ty BakerI am so thankful to have this opportunity to attend NC Wesleyan University after so many years of pursuing higher education. I have always had a passion for Criminal Justice and always wanted to learn more about it. I even took a few college courses in high school to discover more. Growing up I felt like I needed to know more about laws, and my rights as a human being because there were times I can honestly say they were violated. I just didn’t know any better. I also just didn’t have the time to go to college after I graduated high school, being raised to work first and focus on school later. So that’s what I did. Today, I am a full-time mom of a two-year-old, and working full-time, and am in school to obtain my Bachelors in Criminal Justice at NCWU. I am doing this for myself and more so for my daughter to show her you can accomplish anything at any time. This journey has not been easy however, I know I am here in this world for greatness. My story is just beginning and NCWU will be apart of the successful ending.
All of the instructors were great! Dr. Jackson and Dr. Marsal encouraged me very much when I felt discouraged about my classes. Dr. Jackson convinced me to stay in school after I had a stroke and informed me that quitting school wasn’t an option. She might not realize how this encouraged me, but it did. I’m forever grateful to her and Dr. Marsal worked with me on a class that was giving me trouble. I literally love both Professors and they have their teaching methods in tack. Juanita C. Davis, Criminal JusticeThe Criminal Justice Graduate program was/is very challenging. I like the fact that I’ve gained knowledge of the law since enrolling in this program, and I’ve learned a lot about criminal justice since taking these online classes.
I really love the online interface and ability to grab all information needed in a dynamic fashion. The professors are way up there on the list too, they really care and are very responsive. Working towards my degree has given me real world skills and perspectives to take a much larger leadership position in the company I work for, Lenovo. The classes and work put in have also given significantly more confidence as well. Due to some bad timing, I have had some misfortune when it comes to Academic advisors over the last year. Because of this uncertainty, I made a mistake when signing up for classes. One of my professors at the time, Associate Dean Katie Farrell, heard my cry for help and immediately helped me get things back on track. Several other times she has been an invaluable resource to me on this journey and really restored my faith in adult education. I would absolutely encourage others to begin or continue their academic journey with NC Wesleyan. The leadership and student facing administration are all very welcoming and inclusive. This is really a great place to facilitate reaching educational goals no matter the age. Robert Norton ’22, Organizational Leadership, Durham Campus
During my journey at Campbell University, I worked as a Graduate Assistant for the Office of Advancement Service Department and served on the racial justice team, participated in chapel, and completed the supervised ministry class under the leadership of Dr. David Helms. I’ve had the opportunity to fulfill a childhood dream and travel to India while at Campbell University. I gained much insight into the history of India. My past experience at Wesleyan caused me to choose Wesleyan to obtain an MBA degree. After viewing the classes, I knew this was a great layout and within a reasonable time to obtain the degree. Jennifer Phipps was most helpful with the process. She’s an inspiration. Working towards the degree will open new doors, foster new friendships and acquire more skills for a new work environment and the business I plan to start. Professors are teachers for life. During my first experience at North Carolina Wesleyan College, Dr. Barry Drum was instrumental in encouraging me to continue my education and in religion as well. While at NCWU in 2014, I completed a religion internship under Dr. Barry Drum’s leadership. He was one of my references for the Campbell University Divinity School Application. His teachings were beyond the book as he engaged world happenings of our time. While others suggested other colleges to seek the master of divinity degree, Dr. Drum encouraged me to attend the college of my choice: Campbell University Divinity School. I cannot count the number of times that I have heard him encourage students. North Carolina Wesleyan University is a great place to pursue your Master of Business Degree and the Bachelor of Business Degree. The master-level business law class is definitely increasing my knowledge of newer laws and passed laws. Sherry Denise Battle ’23, MBA OnlineI graduated in 2014 from North Carolina Wesleyan Traditional College with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems degree, Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies and Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. After graduation, I attended Campbell University Divinity School in Buies Creek and graduated in May 2021.