Supplemental Instruction

What Is SI?

  • SI is a peer facilitated, cooperative student support scheme for all students.
  • SI attendance is voluntary but highly recommended.
  • It is not a remedial program for “struggling” students, but rather, a program for all students who want to improve their academic performance.

The program offers assistance to students in supported courses by providing a trained peer leader who can assist with the subject matter. S.I. leaders are sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have at least a 3.0 GPA and have displayed competency in a particular subject. They must have received an A or A- in the course they facilitate and have the recommendation of a faculty member.

How Does Supplemental Instruction Work?

SI leaders are assigned to a course and attend class sessions each week. One to two times each week, SI leaders conduct regularly scheduled, out-of-class, study sessions that focus on specific course content and learning skills. SI leaders provide materials such as practice worksheets, study guides, and sample quizzes and tests to students during the sessions. SI provides a forum for students to compare notes and discuss subject matter with other students in the class. SI sessions are free, voluntary, and open to all students in the course.

Why Should I Go To SI Sessions?

Research at NCWU indicates that students who attend sessions on a regular basis achieve grades 1/2 to 1 full letter grade higher than those students who do not participate.

How Do I Know If I Am Enrolled In A Course That Offers SI?

If you would like to know if you are enrolled in a course with this program, you can do one of three things:

  1. Call the Director of Academic Support at 252.985.5275
  2. Click on the SI Schedule link at the top of this page.
  3. If a SI Leader sits in your class, you have a SI Leader.