Since its inception in 1956, North Carolina is proud of its heritage in supporting students in their quest for success in higher education. This legacy of assistance still continues today. Explore scholarship opportunities and learn about available merit-based, need-based, and departmental awards to help fund your education.
Meritorious Scholarships for both freshman and transfer traditional students are awarded during the admissions process. Please contact your admissions counselor or the admissions department at with any questions regarding these scholarships and awards.
Meritorious Level Scholarships for Incoming Freshman Students*
Recipients must maintain the required GPA or higher in college coursework, maintain satisfactory academic progress and be enrolled full-time in the traditional program.
Founders’ Award* |
Beneficiaries of the Founders’ Award* may receive up to Full Tuition, Room (double only), Board & Books. Amount varies. Requirements
Scholarship not guaranteed; selection of recipients will be determined by interview performance (limited amount available) |
President’s Scholarship |
Beneficiaries of the President’s Scholarship receive a scholarship of $20,000. Requirements
Dean’s Scholarship |
Beneficiaries of the Dean’s Scholarship receive a scholarship of $18,000. Requirements
Wesleyan Scholarship |
Beneficiaries of the Wesleyan Scholarship receive a scholarship of $15,000. Requirements
Bishop Opportunity Award (BOA) |
Beneficiaries of the Bishop Opportunity Award receive a scholarship of $10,000. Requirements
Not a Merit-based Scholarship. Must meet admissions criteria. |
University Scholarships Criteria Conditions:
University scholarships may be suspended based on academic performance. Review will take place at the end of every academic year once final grades have been posted in May.
- Receipt of an outside scholarship may reduce your university scholarship or award.
- Scholarships or awards are restricted to undergraduate programs.
- NCWU admissions is test blind; therefore, SAT/ACT scores are not required for acceptance.
*Completion of FAFSA is highly recommended and award is inclusive of any other financial aid in which the student is eligible as well as the Founders’ Award, Pell Grant and NC Need-Based Grant. Free room for Founders’ Award is a double room.
Scholarships for TRANSFER Students*
NCWU offers Meritorious Levels Awards for students who are planning on transferring to NC Wesleyan. Recipients must maintain GPA of 2.0 or higher in college coursework, maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress and be enrolled full-time in the Traditional Program.
Transfer Award Gold |
Beneficiaries of the Transfer Award Gold receive a scholarship of $15,500. Requirements
Transfer Award Blue |
Beneficiaries of the Transfer Award Blue receive a scholarship of $13,500. Requirements
Transfer Award White |
Beneficiaries of the Transfer Award White receive a scholarship of $10,500. Requirements
Transfer Opportunity |
Beneficiaries of the Transfer Opportunity (TOA) receive a scholarship of $7,500. Requirements
2+ Wesleyan Grant |
Beneficiaries of the 2+ Wesleyan Grant receive a scholarship of $2,000. RequirementsA grant awarded to traditional full-time students who have graduated (with an overall GPA of 2.0+) from a community college with an Associates Degree. The award is only for students completing a minimum of 12 credit hours each semester (fall and spring only). |
* All scholarships require completion of FAFSA. Award amounts may change without notice.
To request applications for any non-meritorious scholarship or awards, email the Office of Financial Aid at
Special Distinction and Participation Awards for Traditional Day Students
If you have already received an aid package and this award was not included in that package, your eligibility for federal, state and institutional aid will be reevaluated. In compliance with federal regulations, state requirements and institutional policy, your aid package may be revised. You will be notified if a revision is made.
Honors Award
Beneficiaries of the Taylor-Crocker Honors Award receive varying amounts of scholarship funds.
- Member of Roger & Gaile D. Taylor Honors Program LEARN MORE & APPLY>
Legacy Award
Beneficiaries of the Traditional Student Legacy Awards receive $2,000
- Students with GPA 3.0+, whose parents or grandparents graduated from NCWU
International Award
Beneficiaries of the International Award receive a scholarship of $5,500.
- New International Students (On-Campus Only)
- Awarded during the admissions process
United Methodist Award
Beneficiaries of the United Methodist Award receive a scholarship of $2,000.
Application for UMC Award and letter from pastor confirming active membership in either of the following:
- United Methodist Church
- A.M.E. (African Methodist Epicopal) Church
- A.M.E. (African Methodist Episcopal) Zion Church
- Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
United Methodist Award (Returning Students)
Beneficiaries of the United Methodist Award receive a scholarship of $2,000.
Application for UMC Award and letter from pastor confirming active membership in either of the following:
- United Methodist Church
- A.M.E. (African Methodist Epicopal) Church
- A.M.E. (African Methodist Episcopal) Zion Church
- Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Ministerial Award
Beneficiaries of the Ministerial Award receive a 50% reduction for tuition, room & board, books.
Award is inclusive of all institutional scholarships and grants.
- Dependent of full-time, licensed ordained ministers of a United Methodist Church in the NC Conference. Also extends to all denominations residing in Nash, Edgecombe, Franklin, Halifax, Johnston, Wake, Warren and Wilson. (replaces all other institutional funds)
Eagle Scouts/Girl Scouts Scholarship
Beneficiaries of the Eagle Scouts/Girl Scouts Scholarship receive a scholarship of $1,000.
- Students who are an Eagle Scout or Girl Scout Gold Award Recipient
Shelton Challenge Scholarship
Beneficiaries of the Shelton Challenge Scholarship receive a scholarship of $1,000.
- Students that are selected to participate and complete the Shelton Leadership Challenge during the summer.
Phi Theta Kappa/ Gamma Beta Phi Award
Beneficiaries of the Phi Theta Kappa/Gamma Beta Phi Award receive a scholarship of $1,000.
- Must be a transfer student with an Associate’s Degree and have been inducted into Phi Theta Kappa or Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society.
ROTC Award
Beneficiaries of the ROTC Award receive varying amounts of scholarship funds.
- GPA 2.5; SAT 1000+; ACT 19+; must meet physical standards and agree to serve in the Army, Army Reserve or Army National Guard
- Student’s with GPA 2.5; SAT 1000+; ACT 19+; student must also meet physical standards and agree to serve in the Army, Army Reserve or Army National Guard.
Fine Arts Award
Beneficiaries of the Fine Arts Award receive varying amounts of scholarship funds..
- Band/Wesleyan Singers/Wesleyan Players
Cheer & Dance Award
Beneficiaries of the Cheer & Dance Award receive varying amounts of scholarship funds.
- Students who participate on the Cheer or Dance team
Other Scholarships
For Traditional Students or Adult & Professional Studies Students
Golden LEAF Colleges and Universities Scholarship
Beneficiaries of the Golden LEAF Colleges and Universities Scholarship receive an award of $3,500 a year for up to four years to high school seniors and $3,500 a year for up to three years to community college transfer students.
- Be a North Carolina resident, residing in a qualifying North Carolina county.
- Be a high school senior enrolling full-time in the fall as a first-year student or a currently enrolled community college transfer student enrolling full-time in the fall.
- Have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5.
- Be able to communicate an intent to return to a qualifying county after graduation from college.
Apply Here >
Adult Studies United Methodist Scholarship
Beneficiaries of the Adult Studies United Methodist Scholarship receive an award of 20% of tuition for full-time students, Fall and Spring only.
Application for UMC Award and letter from pastor confirming active membership in either of the following:
- United Methodist Church
- A.M.E. (African Methodist Epicopal) Church
- A.M.E. (African Methodist Episcopal) Zion Church
- Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Adult Studies United Methodist Scholarship- RETURNING Students
Beneficiaries of the Adult Studies United Methodist Scholarship receive an award of 20% of tuition for full-time students, Fall and Spring only.
Application for UMC Award and letter from pastor confirming active membership in either of the following:
- United Methodist Church
- A.M.E. (African Methodist Epicopal) Church
- A.M.E. (African Methodist Episcopal) Zion Church
- Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
United Methodist Higher Education Foundation (UMHEF) Scholarships
Each year, UMHEF invites students to apply for chances at more than $2 million in scholarships awarded by UMHEF every year. Applications are typically open from January 1 – March 1 for the following academic year.
How to Apply for United Methodist College Scholarships | UMHEF
Higher Education & Ministry Scholarships (The United Methodist Church)
General Board of Higher Education and Ministry (GBHEM) Scholarships offers financial aid to United Methodist students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees. Every year, we award an average of $5.5 million to help students in the United States and abroad pursue their dreams through higher education.
Learn more about GBHEM – Scholarships for Further Education
Need Based Awards
FAFSA is required for all need based awards. Use Federal School Code number: 002951.
Federal Pell Grant
Beneficiaries of the Federal Pell Grant receive an amount determined by FAFSA application or funds up to $11,092.
- Need-based; FAFSA completion required
Federal Direct Student Loan
Beneficiaries of the Federal Direct Student Loan receive between $5,500-$12,500.
- Based on grade level and dependency status; FAFSA completion required
Federal Direct Parent (PLUS) Loans
Beneficiaries of the Federal Direct Parent (PLUS) Loans receive varying amounts of funds.
- A credit check will be completed during the application process and you must complete a Direct PLUS Loan Master Promissory Note (Direct PLUS Loan MPN); FAFSA completion required
Federal Work-Study
Beneficiaries of the Federal Work-Study receive varying amounts of funds. Federal work program to assist students with payment of educational costs. Eligibility is based on the results of the FAFSA. Note: Students are paid directly for work study hours earned and funds cannot be subtracted from the student account balance.
- Need-based; FAFSA completion required
Federal SEOG Grant
Beneficiaries of the Federal SEOG Grant receive up to $4,000.
- Need-based for high need; FAFSA completion required (Preference to non-NC residents)
NC Need-Based Scholarship
Beneficiaries of the NC Need-Based Scholarship receive varying amounts of funds.
- NC resident for at least two years; FAFSA and NC residency determination completion required
New 2024 Unique Participation Scholarships
NC Wesleyan offers scholarship opportunities to students who have a desire and passion for being part of 2 unique areas on campus. You can participate on our Cheer and Dance Team or share your talents on the University’s oldest performing ensembles, Wesleyan Singers.
These participation awards/scholarships are unique offers that are effective in Spring 2024 and beyond. Contact our admissions office TODAY at or call 252.985.5200 and take advantage of saving on tuition while being part of these special groups on campus.
To request applications for any scholarships and awards, email the Office of Financial Aid at