Villas at Wesleyan Townhomes Group Application Process
Residence in the Villas at Wesleyan will be offered based on a group application. In this process, students must form a same-gender group of four and apply as a single roster. Applicants should be in good conduct standing to be considered. Residence in the Villas is for the entire academic year (fall and spring).
How will applications be evaluated?
Each individual applicant must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5. The cumulative GPAs of each individual applicant will be averaged to create an average cumulative GPA for the roster. The credit hours earned by each individual applicant will be added together for a roster total. The average GPA will be multiplied by the total credit hours for a score. The top 16 scores will be invited to reside in the villas. The total credit hours completed by the group will break any scoring ties that may result.
NOTE: Each student may only be part of one group application – students appearing on more than one application will void all roster applications on which they appear. A student appearing on an application who has a cumulative GPA below 2.5 will void the entire roster application. Each student is expected to represent themselves honestly with their fellow roster applicants.
Group Application Scoring Example:
Roster 1:
Student GPA Credits
1 3.44 65
2 2.57 64
3 3.10 70
4 2.89 67
AVG 3.0 Total 266
Score: 3.0 x 266 = 798.0
What costs are associated with living in the Villas?
The 2025-2026 academic year cost for a Villa single is $10,041.
What is the Villa occupancy policy?
Each Villa has a maximum capacity of 4 total students per unit (2 single rooms on both 1st and 3rd floors with shared bath). Room 101 must be reserved for the Community Leader (if residing in your villa). Students applying for Villa housing must commit to Villa residence for the entire 2025-2026 academic year.
Occupancy Policy:
Each Villa’s occupancy must be maintained at capacity. When a vacancy occurs at the start of a term or between terms, current occupants will be given five (5) days to find a new villa mate. If a new villa mate is not identified and moved into the Villa, the University reserves the right to offer the space to a current resident student. When a vacancy is created following the fall academic term due to the occupant’s graduation, the remaining occupants must either fill the vacancy with another student prior to the start of the spring term or split the cost of the vacancy at the then-current room rate (room rate / # of remaining occupants).
How do I apply?
The availability of paper applications will be announced via campus email. Pick up the application from the Student Affairs Office and follow the instructions.
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