Team Group: School of Humanities

Mark Sursavage, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of English & Director of the Writing Center

Megan Von Bergen, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of English & Director of the Writing Program

Tony Sawyer, M.M.

Assistant Professor of Music Production/Program Coordinator, Entertainment Arts, Director of 301 North Records

Jamie Hathaway Pollard, M.Ed.

Visiting Instructor of English

Shane Thompson, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Bible and the Ancient Near East

Margaret Love, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of English

Lee Templeton, Ph.D.

Professor of English & Chair of the School of Humanities

Joe Lane, Ph.D.

Provost and Sr. Vice President for Academic Affairs

Jim Bowers, Ph.D.

Professor of English

Jason Buel, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Communications/Assistant Professor of Cinema & Media Arts, Program Coordinator, Communication