Student Testimonials & Experiences
NCWU’s International support community has been a vital part of our International Student Program and our students and staff greatly appreciate everyone involved in helping our students adapt and get involved in American culture. Our Global Outreach (GO Group) helps in many ways throughout the year with getting our international students plugged in to church activities, businesses, families, schools, and organizations.
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Wesleyan Worldwide - International Student Experiences "In Their Own Words"
International Student Experiences at NCWU
What our International Community have to say!

Every interaction with someone from another culture is a small step along the path to world peace. There’s nothing more rewarding for both international students and American families!
We invite students not only into our home, but into our daily lives. We treat these students as if they were our own son or daughter by including them in various activities such as:
- Enjoying a Meal Together (Home Visits & Restaurants)
- Birthday & Holiday Celebrations
- Church Services & Activities
- Going to Concerts (Rocky Mount & Raleigh)
- Airport Pick-ups
- Outdoor Projects & Picnics
Linda and John Shepherd

Being able to work and give insight from the student perspective I believe helped a lot making new students be even happier to join Wesleyan; as well as being part of a big family of international students where no matter where you are from, everyone will care and help each other.
Gabriel Guzman ’21, Hult International Business School, Cambridge, Massachusetts

Eduardo Simoniello and NCWU Student Juan Simoniello ’24

God has been instrumental in our involvement along with other volunteers from 6 churches in the Rocky Mount area. Put most simply, we hope to organically make the world a better place to live for all people by intentionally and actionably demonstrating the Love of Jesus Christ.
We try to treat international students with Christian hospitality as if it were our own son or daughter in a foreign nation. We include them in our daily lives. We have done this through many things like:
- Home visits for Noel’s wonderful home cooked meals, movies, games, boating
- Overnight stays at our home and sometimes for extended periods like staying over all of Christmas break
- Holidays spent together like Christmas, Thanksgiving, Memorial and Labor day
- Cabin rentals at state parks, The Raleigh Greek Festival, Weekend beach and mountain trips, and trips to visit our extended family, freshmen airport pickups
- Church services and activities, Life group meetings and on campus outreach
- Being there for down times like hospital visits, mourning over lost relatives, car wrecks
Our own lives have been enriched from these relationships and we have a larger family as a result. Probably our greatest reward and compliment is when a student tells other students that we are their American family! God is good.
I Peter 4:8-10. “ Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms”.
Todd & Noel Long – Global Outreach (GO Group) Community Volunteers