If you’re a current NCWU student, the 6th Annual Academic Writing Competition is open for your submissions!
You can upload up to two papers that you have written for NCWU classes in any year in any of the following categories:
- Natural Sciences and Mathematics
- Social Sciences and Education
- Business and CIS
- Humanities
- First-Year Composition (ENG 090, 111, 112)
While revisions are encouraged, you don’t have to write anything new. You can submit papers in categories other than your major(s).
Winners in each category will receive a gift card and will see their work published in Omnium: The Undergraduate Research Journal at North Carolina Wesleyan University. Other students and professors can use your essay as an example of great student writing.
The first prize in each category wins $50, the second prize wins $25, and the third prize wins $10. Visit https://omniummedia.wordpress.com/ to read essays by our previous winners!
Submit your paper(s) through this link.
If you have any problems with the link or if you have questions, please contact Dr. Doreen Thierauf at dthierauf@ncwu.edu.
The deadline for submissions is May 1, 2024, at midnight. Winners will be announced shortly thereafter.
We look forward to reading your papers!