Robin Pietryk, Ph.D.
Ph.D., Walden University
Research Interests
Pietryk, Robin M. (2008). Athletes versus non-athletes: Academic success at a small liberal arts college. Ph.D. dissertation, Walden University, United States (Publication No. AAT 3297182).
Teaching Philosophy
My philosophy is to provide students with a positive learning environment that will not only provide them with valuable knowledge, but also encourage lifelong learners. I implement a variety of strategies in the classroom to reach the needs of different students. As an educator, I continually search for different methods to instruct college students. Three key principles I focus on in my classroom include:
- Student learning styles
- Preparing students with 21st-century skills
- Student evaluation
Learning Styles:
The classroom, whether online or physical location, will provide students with several methods for gaining necessary skills and knowledge. It is essential to provide visual, auditory, and hands on methods for learning. A few methods I utilize for instruction include: projects, PowerPoint, open discussion, and research. I enjoy using open dialogue with students because it not only brings the classroom material to life, but also helps to nurture a passion and enthusiasm for the subject matter.
21st Century Skills:
The classroom allows the opportunity to use a plethora of technology. Engaging students in computers and programs enhances their abilities needed in the 21st century. Online books, assessments, lectures and exams are only a few strategies I have used in my courses.
I feel it is important to use many approaches to assess the student’s progression on course material. Projects, papers, examinations, presentations, rubrics, open discussions are just a few evaluation methods I implement. When possible, I enjoy utilizing practical experiences.
Lastly, it is important for me to be available to students and listen to their questions and concerns. Most adult learners are juggling jobs and families, among other obstacles. Each student’s circumstances are different and it is important to be accommodating to aid in the student’s success. Students must be held accountable to timelines and quality of work, but there may extenuating circumstances that may require me to be accommodating. My classroom environment will provide knowledge, skills and theories through many learning styles. It will be conducive for all students to learn and enhance their preparation for a career and to become lifelong learners.
More About Me:
How long have you been at NCWU?
Since 1999
What's your favorite class that you teach?
Current Issues & Sport Ethics
What is a fun fact or an interesting hobby of yours?
I still coach volleyball (club)