Reopening North Carolina Wesleyan University
This website serves as a reference to explain the details of the North Carolina Wesleyan University reopening strategy and plan for the Spring 2022 semester in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please continue to check the COVID-19 alerts website as guidance may be updated based on public health information from federal, state, and local experts.
By taking protective measures, we can reduce the spread of COVID-19 and protect our NC Wesleyan community. We are asking each member of our community to make a commitment to safe practices, click below to learn more.
Important Dates
- Move-In Day: Begins Monday, January 17th. See details
- First Day of Classes: Wednesday, January 19
- Last Day of Classes: Monday, April 25
The Wesleyan Wise plan balances campus needs with the safety of the campus community and individual campus community members. To achieve the safest possible experience for students, faculty, staff, and visitors, we must be prepared for some inconvenience and deploy precautionary measures to protect everyone.
As part of being Wesleyan Wise, we must be prepared to be more group-minded and accept more stringent guidelines, rules, and expectations. We have to work together and care about the well-being of every other individual on campus.
The NCWC Reopening plan employs a strategy to prevent and mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in the campus community. This plan is based on the principles of disease prevention including (but not limited to):
- Face coverings are effective in helping to mitigate viral spread
- Appropriate social distancing within groups and among individuals should be practiced.
- Enhanced sanitation protocols have been implemented to clean high-touch and higher traffic areas – including classrooms and student services offices.
Infectious Disease Response/Reopening and Organization
The Viral Infection Response Team (VIRT) operates under the authority of the President of the College. Its purpose is to guide the College’s implementation of the infectious disease control plan in an effort to minimize disruption in renewing student services while ensuring the safety of the entire college community.
Viral Infection Response Team for COVID-19
Jessica Brys-Wilson, PA-C, Co-Chair, Director Health Services
Wayne Sears, Co-Chair, Director of Campus Safety
Dr. Jason Modlin, Dean of Students
Mackenzie Stamper, Area Director
David Fryar, Director of Facilities
Tim Donovan, Head Athletic Trainer
Dr. Shannon Crowley, Associate Professor of Exercise Science
Dr. Brittany Bass, Director of RN to BSN Program
Lee Tyson, School Counselor
Student Support Offices
All campus offices will be operating with typical 8am – 5pm schedules unless otherwise posted. Please refer to each office for guidelines on appointment scheduling. You may find an email directory of offices below:
Business Office:
Counseling & Accessibility Services:
Dean of Students:
Financial Aid:
Health Services:
IS Helpdesk:
Provost’s Office:
Registrar’s Office:
Residence Life:
Sodexo Dining:
Student Success Center :
- All students, employees, and visitors will be required to wear masks indoors on campus, including in the Dunn Center and at athletic events.
- All campus community members should continue to social distance and practice frequent handwashing.
- Students are required to immediately report any COVID-19 symptoms or positive test results to the Director of Health Services by emailing
- Students testing positive for COVID-19 will need to leave campus upon diagnosis in accordance with our Quarantine Policy.
- Students arriving via international flight may be required to quarantine or test negative prior to checking in depending on conditions in their country of origin.
- At check-in, all traditional students must submit a printed copy of one of the following:
- Vaccine card showing full COVID vaccination, OR
- Proof of positive COVID test more than 5 days and less than nine months from the date of arrival, OR
- Laboratory report showing IgG antibodies to COVID-19, performed within the one month of arrival, OR
- Lab report showing a negative COVID-19 test within five days of arrival. (Students will be expected to self-quarantine from the date of test until campus arrival.)
(Please note that our COVID policy and protocols are subject to change at any time based on changes in CDC, state, or local guidelines, new data release, or local trends. We will update the college community promptly if we have to change the system or protocols.)
At this time, North Carolina Wesleyan University does not provide a 100% online option for traditional students. Any returning student seeking an exception to this policy must petition the Provost (Dr. Molly Wyatt at with justification and related documentation for one of the following reasons:
- The student is unable to return to the traditional Rocky Mount campus due to documentable international travel bans or restrictions.
- The student has one or more health conditions that put him/her at an elevated risk for complications should they contract COVID-19 that make the return to the traditional campus potentially unsafe and cannot receive the COVID vaccine for medical reasons. This should be accompanied by an official letter from a physician recommending the student not return to campus.
Protective Supplies in the Academic Environment
- All faculty, staff, and students in the academic facilities are required to wear face coverings indoors.
- Cleansing wipes will be available in all classrooms.
When Students/Faculty are Isolated, Quarantined, or Sick
- Instructors will be notified of students who are not cleared to go to class. The notification will include the scope of the absence. It will not indicate whether the student is isolated due to contact or quarantined due to illness as that is protected information.
- Instructors will be notified if they are considered to be a direct contact of an infected student. Instructors will be asked to test and isolate within appropriate time parameters.
- If instructors are isolated or quarantined, the program coordinator, a designated colleague within the same school, or a School Chair will make provisions for continuity of class meetings or content delivery if the instructor is unable.
Student Affairs Operations Plan
Residential Life
- Residence halls will operate at normal capacity. A limited number of single rooms will be available for students with documented non-COVID medical needs.
- Roommates will be considered a ‘family unit’, the equivalent of living in the same household, and face coverings will not be required in the room. Residents are discouraged from sharing any personal items.
- There is no visitation within residential halls, and students should not gather in groups larger than four outside of school planned events where protocols are in place.
- Housekeeping will continue to increase cleaning in the residence halls, specifically in community bathrooms. Students with shared bathrooms are encouraged to clean properly and often. (ACHA, 2020)
- Students with COVID-compatible symptoms or known exposure to a COVID-positive individuals should self-isolate immediately and self-report the symptoms and/or exposure to Health Services.
- Students testing positive for COVID-19 will be asked to isolate at home (see COVID Quarantine Policy).
- Quarantine Policy: Resident students who are identified as direct contacts OR who become infected with the COVID-19 virus and HAVE NOT been vaccinated with a booster OR have been fully vaccinated and live within 200 miles of the campus must immediately leave campus until a medical professional clears your return. This notice and agreement of removal also covers students taking a medical or religious waiver for vaccinations. If your personal circumstances would make leaving campus to quarantine or isolate an extreme burden, you should consider this policy as part of your decision-making process on whether to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine. Such circumstances could include compromised persons in your home, travel distance to home, and/or financial inability to quarantine off-campus but not at home. You are strongly encouraged to get the vaccine and provide proof to Hardship cases will not be considered at the time of your exposure or infection. Please note that, per guidance from the CDC, you will not be considered to be “fully vaccinated” for purposes of quarantine unless you have completed a series of vaccinations AND had a booster.
Campus Dining
- Face coverings will be required for unvaccinated individuals except when actively eating or drinking.
- Some retail dining options will be available at the Internet and Wow Cafes.
- Hand sanitizer stations will be available in all dining facilities.
- Food service staff will be provided appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) and trained/supervised on proper use.
- The Cafeteria will be open at 50% capacity with take out options available. Students are encouraged to take out and eat away from others when possible.
Student Activities/Intramurals
- Provide hand sanitizer stations at all events, in-person organization meetings, the HSC and TRC.
- Require face coverings for all students and employees at HSC and TRC.
- Require patrons to wipe down all TRC fitness room equipment after use.
- Sporting events, Hartness Center, and gyms can be used at 50% of capacity.
Health Services Plan for Infection Control – Identification/Containment/Control
Required COVID Screening for All Students
- Students returning to North Carolina Wesleyan University must furnish one of the following:
- Vaccine card showing full COVID vaccination, OR
- Proof of positive COVID test more than 5 days and less than nine months from the date of arrival, OR
- Laboratory report showing IgG antibodies to COVID-19, performed within the one month of arrival, OR
- Lab report showing a negative COVID-19 test within five days of arrival. (Students will be expected to self-quarantine from the date of test until campus arrival.)
Identification of Illness
Employees who are sick should stay away from work and seek diagnosis/treatment through their medical healthcare provider. Students who are sick should report their conditions to the Student Health Center for diagnosis/evaluation.
COVID-19 Testing
North Carolina Wesleyan University may be able to provide limited rapid COVID testing for students with a medical indication to be tested. We will also continue to utilize community partners for COVID testing. Many of these options are off campus. Students will be responsible for their own transportation to off-campus test sites.
Any immediately threatening health condition (like chest pains, acute severe headaches, trouble breathing etc.), should result in a call to 911 for 1st aid assessment and potential emergency transportation to a local hospital.
Containment & Control: Outbreaks of acutely infectious/communicable diseases will be assessed by the Director of the Health Center in accordance with local, state, and federal health guidelines and under direction of the contracted physician. While specific actions/responses the College will take (as recommended by the CDC) once such a disease has been identified tend to be disease-specific, three different containment/control strategies will be followed:
- Actions involving sick/symptomatic persons include: treatment, isolation, emergency transportation to a local hospital, diagnostic testing and disease reporting through public health authorities/channels.
- Actions involving those who have been in contact with sick/symptomatic persons include—medical monitoring/counseling, treatment/isolation/emergency transportation as needed, diagnostic testing by health department or
- Actions involving the greater College community, (those not in direct contact with sick/ symptomatic persons) include—information sharing as to the nature of the disease outbreak and specific recommended preventative actions, medical monitoring/counseling, additional cleaning and disinfection of public spaces, and other actions as
- Outbreaks of less acute infectious/communicable diseases (like Pandemic Influenza) will principally be managed in accordance with local, state and federal health guidelines. This may result in the temporary suspension of all College functions, buildings and facilities.
- Building evacuations (as traditionally defined) would occur following an outbreak of infectious/communicable diseases. It is critical for all employees/students to stay informed as an emergency unfolds. College officials will disseminate critical information as it becomes available to safeguard the greater College
Self-Reporting Symptoms
Students, faculty, or staff who experience symptoms of concern after they’ve completed a daily self-screen should notify the College according to the reporting structure below. Students, faculty, and staff who report symptoms must self-isolate until they receive further instruction by the Director of Health Services, or for employees, their immediate supervisor.
It is very important that no one engage with others if they have symptoms or if they are sick. Do not come to work, go to class, and/or engage in any other class activity until further directed by Health Services.
Please refer to Figure 2 below to review how campus buildings will be sanitized and how we can all contribute to good hygiene and keeping spaces clean.

Wear a mask in common spaces.
Wash hands regularly for 20 seconds and use hand sanitizer.
Wipe down your desk (in offices and classrooms) before you sit down.
Follow directional signage that denotes entrances and exits, unidirectional stairwells, and hallway traffic patterns.
Make appointments to visit offices.
Centers for Disease Control COVID-19 Website
Colleges and Universities Pandemic Influenza Check List, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Interim Guidance for Administrators of US Institutions of Higher Education (IHE) to Plan, Prepare, and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Considerations for Reopening Institutions of Higher Education in the COVID-19 Era.
Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), February 2020: Stigma Related to COVID-19, What to Do If You Are Sick With Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) response.html
Steps Healthcare Facilities Can Take Now to Prepare for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).